Always the number one consideration in any large transaction. If you are financing the project, you will need to have a pre-approval for a loan amount by your preferred bank. Many builders have preferred lenders that make the process very smooth for customers too, so be sure to ask! "How much can (and will) I spend?"
Where you are building and what kind of soil? Like in a wedding, this is usually the bulk of the budget: property and foundation. What is included in your selected location, or what will you (or your builder) need to provide? The all inclusive venues that provide all the necessary ingredients might be the easiest process for some people. Others are heart set on a location, and would need to spend additional time and money filling in those missing items. The very same can be said for build on your lot customers versus buying a home already built in a neighborhood. "What is included?"
You may not want to call your construction manager your wedding planner (or have him hear you call him that!) but their roles are similar. Unless you choose to be your own builder, the construction manager is responsible for making sure the vendors show up and do their job. The manager also lets you know when you are in or out of budget. The builder typically has preferred vendors, whom you'd rather have them bear the responsibility of the vendors than yourself. As the customer, you want the responsibility of the subcontractors to rest on someone else's shoulders, unless you have the time and experience to manage all of the crews. "Who is going to oversee the project?"
Layout of the Home Design is the "meat" of the project. Your chefs, caterers, band and serving staff would be your designers, engineers, and framing/roofing crews. Work with your designer and construction manager to get the meat of the home the way you want it. The engineers will verify the plan and the crews will build it to the plan. If you exceed the budget in one field, you may need to re-evaluate the finishes for the rest of the project. "What will it look like as a whole?"
Flowers and Decor are your Interior Design. What feeling do you want to bring into your home? Do you want the cutting edge, comfortable, or traditional? Rustic? Vintage? Whimsical? Many builders host design centers so that you can select exactly what you'd like for your home with their vendors. Just like your wedding planner making appointments at florists and cake vendors! Unfortunately, grout selection isn't as tasty as cake sampling! Many customers want to begin with the decor, as that is what is visible to the naked eye. However, the real start to the process is further back in the project so that funds can be distributed in appropriate areas. You may need to be prepared to bring and set up your own decor if it is not included in what you can afford in items 1-4. "What details will I add to make it mine?"
Closing the home with your builder means the home is complete, you've paid all bills, and get an exchange of keys, since the home is now ready to move in. Such as the exchange of rings signifies the beginning of a new life together for newlyweds, the transfer of keys signifies the beginning of a new life in your new home. "Where do we sign?"